Offsite and Away Days
Offsite and Away Days allow teams to explore and overcome the challenges they face from a different perspective
Our away days use the power and perspective that time spent in nature brings. Held outdoors wherever possible and fully experiential they provide the perfect backdrop for growing connection between the team.
Activities may include a combination of high ropes, campfires, bushcraft activities, abseiling, paddleboarding, surfing, team building activities or survival based scenarios. Please note that all activities are designed to be fully inclusive and cater for all abilities.
These activities will take the team to the edge of their comfort zones, building a confident, resilient team. You may be looking to overcome a specific challenge, gain a new perspective or find nove and effective ways to strengthen team connections. All our experiences are built around our values of challenge, adventure, authenticity and - critically - fun!
What do we mean by offsite away days?
Taking ourselves out of comfort zone can have a huge impact on performance. According to a recent study*, 34 is the average age when people become less adventurous. The researchers also found that:
6% said taking risks became less appealing as they entered their 30s.
15% would not risk taking part in dangerous activity in case it affected their career.
36% said taking risks stopped being appealing to them.
50% of respondents felt their own physical fragility growing as time went on.
Over one third felt starting a family had slowed the pace of their lives.
Anecdotally we know that our appetite for risk changes over time. This not doesn't just impact our choices of what we do at weekends or on holiday, but affects all areas of our lives, including our approach to our careers and our behaviour in the workplace.
Stepping out of our comfort zone is essential to high performance. On an individual level it enables us to gain new skills or advance our careers. On a team level, it means we are more likely to take risks and innovate, finding collective solutions to seemingly intractable problems.
Our offsite and away days are designed to re-ignite your team's purpose and sense of adventure. They will build their connection and trust and enhance their creativity enabling them to overcome any challenges. You might be wanting to support the development of a new team, develop your brand values or design a company strategy. Our offsite and away days are designed to provide a safe space and fresh perspective to enable this.
*Study commissioned for Dave TV Channel in 2018
Our Process:

With any new client or project, we start by understanding the challenges the organisation is facing and what they are trying to achieve. With this understanding we then co-create a solution to resolve those challenges.

Once the plan is agreed, we then agree the best way to deliver the training, sequence and timelines. This could be in intense couple of days or with time built in between to apply learnings and reflection on what has been discussed.

During the implementation phase, there is often a need to evolve and adapt the workshops, training and support as we go – responding to the needs of the delegates. At the end of the training it is really important we understand if it has addressed the challenges faced and identify any urther support required.

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“I knew I had a few issues around self-confidence and self-belief and I was beginning to think this was holding me and my business back. Trying to surf for the first time and jumping off very high rocks into the wea when I a terrified of heights as well as group sessions focused around leadership, gave me some inner strength and grit I hadn’t tapped into before. Two months later I got the investment I had been pitching for, for the past 18 months. I am sure that my newfound resilience and self-belief had a lot to do with it!”
Features Editor, National Newspaper and Start-Up Founder
“Nicki is such a down-to-earth, warm and friendly host, with so much knowledge and experience to learn from! Her outlook on life and genuine passion for wanting to encourage others to take a chance and step out of their comfort zones is incredibly inspiring. Aside from coming away from the workshop with memories, experiences to tick off the bucket list, new friends and discovering a new place to visit – it also made me realise how important it is mentally to do things that force you to “live in the moment” more, and most importantly learn not to feel guilty or worried for taking time away from everyday life and do something a little bit spontaneous just for myself!”
Digital Marketing Editor
“Physically I am fairly fearless, so this was about working on my confidence and quieting my inner critic. So while I was excited about the surfing and coasteering, I was anxious about sharing my concerns with strangers. However, this was so liberating and a fundamental stage of understanding and improving my resilience.”
Secondary School Science Teacher
“I attended Nicki's Resilient Women Adventure Weekend in Devon and it completely changed my mindset both from a personal and business perspective. Learning about your own strengths and weaknesses in an informal environment, with a group of likeminded women, and having great fun along the way was amazing. I came away from the weekend full of positive energy and techniques I implement in everyday situations. I couldn't recommend Nicki enough - she is an amazing coach, and you MUST give the adventure weekends a go!”
Director, Content Marketing Agency